Radical Right Dystopias in the Global Culture Wars
Despite the pervasive description of our times as dystopian, the disciplines of political theory and international relations seldom consider the political power of dystopian imaginaries. This article seeks to remedy this neglect by focusing on the radical Right's invocation of dystopias. These dystopian narratives go beyond mere scaremongering and constitute instead “critical dystopias” that follow a distinct grammar rooted in the radical Right's ideological critique of managerialism and liberal globalization. They express the radical Right's fear of liberalism, exploiting the latent dystopian possibilities in the liberal present. Promoted by right-wing influencers and media pundits, critical dystopias translate theoretical and ideological interpretations of social and political life into globally mobile, everyday infotainment readily accessible to broader, global audiences. As such, radical Right dystopias are affective strategies in a global culture war that may help (re)produce and reinforce political subjectivities, identities, and geopolitical imaginaries. They provide a window on the global appeal and interconnectedness of the radical Right and serve as a reminder of the importance of emotions and affect in international politics.
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