
Bungacast Interview

Pleased to appear on the popular Bungacast podcast to discuss the global right

January 2, 2025
How Not to Counter the Radical Right

‍National Conservatism conferences, one of the main meeting grounds for the global radical right, rarely attract much attention...

April 16, 2024
Transnational Nationalists: Building a Global Radical Right

The ‘National Conservatism’ conference that took place in London earlier this year is part of a wider attempt to build a transnational radical Right with ambitions to reorient politics both within and between states...

August 23, 2023
A new approach is needed to blunt the appeal of far-right movements

The trucker convoy that rolled onto the streets of Ottawa late last month has become an unlikely cause célèbre for far-right movements and anti-vaxxers around the world. The scenario that has unfolded is not how Canada sees itself, and it has led to widespread concerns about foreign influences on the protests.

January 15, 2022
Canada and the American Crisis

This New Year, Canadians seem to have woken up to the unpleasant realization that serious trouble may be brewing on their Southern border.

January 6, 2022